Unlock Next-Level Engagement: Dive into Programmatic Advertising

Welcome to Solutions Digital Consulting, the leading programmatic advertising agency in Overland Park, KS, where precision targeting converges with unmatched expertise. Elevate your brand with custom programmatic strategies designed to amplify your online presence and captivate the right audience.

Harness the Potential of Programmatic Advertising for your business today.

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Programmatic Advertising: Precision Targeting that Boosts Traffic & Cultivates Premium Leads.

Your audience is consuming content in every direction they turn. Whether they are intent on finding exactly what they are looking for, or casually being introduced to a new brand in the background of their activity – they have influence all around them. The buyer journey happens in many different ways, places, and timelines.

In this digital age, the avenues for reaching your audience have multiplied exponentially. Programmatic advertising harnesses this vast landscape, offering precision-targeted messaging that speaks directly to individual user needs and preferences. With the right strategy, you can intersect your potential customers at multiple touchpoints, fostering familiarity and trust.

It’s not just about reaching them; it’s about delivering the right message at the optimal moment for engagement.

Our Programmatic Advertising Services

Whether your goal is to bolster online presence or funnel more visitors to your site, we’re here for you. We understand the pivotal role programmatic advertising plays in determining the trajectory of a digital business. That’s why we offer bespoke Programmatic Advertising solutions in Overland Park, KS aligned with your specific objectives. With our deep expertise and unwavering commitment to tangible outcomes, we aim to amplify your lead generation and magnify your digital footprint. Prepare to elevate your online platform with our tailored advertising strategies.

Embrace the Full Funnel

Every potential customer embarks on a distinct path towards making a purchase or taking a desired action. This journey can be envisioned as a funnel, where the broadest part represents the initial awareness stage. As they move down the funnel, their intent becomes more specific, symbolizing a refining process. By the time they reach the funnel’s narrowest section, only those genuinely interested in conversion remain. In the context of programmatic advertising, understanding this funnel is crucial to crafting targeted campaigns that engage users at each stage effectively.

Top of the Funnel

The top of the marketing funnel represents the awareness stage, where potential customers first become acquainted with your brand or product. At this initial phase, the focus is on broad outreach, aiming to capture the attention of a large audience through general content, advertisements, and promotions. It’s less about immediate conversion and more about fostering brand recognition and planting the seeds for future engagement. The goal here is to attract and educate prospects, setting the stage for deeper interactions down the funnel.

Middle of the Funnel

The middle of the marketing funnel corresponds to the consideration stage, where potential customers have moved beyond mere awareness and are actively evaluating your brand’s offerings against their needs or challenges. Here, the content and interactions become more specific, focusing on addressing pain points, answering questions, and showcasing the unique value of products or services. The objective at this juncture is to nurture and deepen the relationship, guiding prospects closer to making an informed decision. It’s a critical phase where trust is built, and brand preference is solidified.

Bottom of the Funnel

The bottom of the marketing funnel represents the decision or action stage, where potential customers are on the cusp of finalizing their purchase or commitment. At this crucial phase, strategies focus on removing any last barriers to conversion, providing in-depth product information, testimonials, case studies, and personalized incentives. It’s where the relationship culminates in a tangible outcome, be it a sale, a sign-up, or another desired action. The goal here is to reassure, provide clarity, and make the conversion process as seamless and compelling as possible.

Constructing Your Audience

Programmatic advertising offers a depth of precision unmatched by conventional platforms like Google Search, Social Media, or LinkedIn. The crux of its power lies in crafting highly-targeted audiences tailored to your brand’s unique objectives. While these traditional platforms offer a degree of audience segmentation, our Demand Side Platform (DSP) takes it several notches higher. It doesn’t merely replicate the targeting settings of these platforms; instead, it integrates and enhances them, offering a holistic approach to reaching your ideal customers in ways you hadn’t imagined.

1st Party CRM Data

By uploading data from your CRM, you can seamlessly categorize prospects for initial engagement and distinguish current customers for re-engagement. This differentiation allows for tailored marketing approaches, ensuring each segment receives content and offers best suited to their stage in the customer journey. With a multitude of options at your disposal, you’re equipped to create more personalized, effective campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

3rd Party Partners

Leveraging data from esteemed sources such as Dun & Bradstreet, Bombara, and more can provide a distinct advantage in your marketing endeavors. These databases offer insights into pre-identified users who match the profile of your ideal customer. By tapping into this rich reservoir of information, you’re not shooting in the dark; you’re proactively reaching out to individuals already inclined towards your offerings. 

Account Based Marketing (ABM)

In the evolving world of digital marketing, personalization is paramount. With the flexibility to mix and match multiple attributes, you have the tools to craft a custom audience tailored precisely to your brand’s needs. To enhance this precision further, you can incorporate firmographic data, adding another dimension to your targeting. This method not only zeroes in on your ideal customer but also ensures your messaging resonates deeply, taking your marketing approach to unparalleled heights.

Dynamic Retargeting

Maintaining a strong connection with your audience is essential. By revisiting your customers with finely-tuned messages that align with their demonstrated preferences, you foster a deeper bond. Whether it’s a product they browsed, a service they inquired about, or an offering they considered, tailoring your communication based on their past interactions can significantly elevate engagement levels. This personalized approach not only reaffirms your commitment to their needs but also positions your brand as attuned and responsive.

Lookalike Audiences

It’s essential to recognize patterns that can propel your brand forward. By identifying and targeting consumers who exhibit buying behaviors or interests akin to your current customers, you tap into a goldmine of potential engagement. This strategy, rooted in data-driven insights, allows you to broaden your horizons, capturing new opportunities and expanding your market share. It’s not just about reaching more people, but about connecting with the right ones, those who are already predisposed to resonate with your brand’s offerings.

Contextual Targeting

By targeting individuals based on the content they consume, you ensure your marketing efforts align with their interests and needs. This strategic approach ensures your message appears in spaces that mirror their research and areas of interest, enhancing the relevance of your brand’s communication. Not only does this foster a deeper connection, but it also positions your offerings as natural solutions or extensions of what they’re already seeking, bridging the gap between curiosity and conversion.

Programmatic Advertising Mediums

At Solutions Digital Consulting, we’re not just another marketing agency. We have access to a myriad of exchanges, and our reach goes beyond conventional platforms, offering you unparalleled opportunities to display your ads. These exchanges enable the delivery of your advertisements in diverse formats, be it video, banner, native, or more, ensuring maximum visibility and resonance with your target audience.

Native Ads

Our seamless integrations mean that your content appears native to the chosen platform, blending effortlessly with the surrounding content. By closely resembling what the consumer is already consuming, your message is more likely to be received as genuine and relevant, enhancing engagement and fostering trust. It’s not just about visibility; it’s about creating a connection.

Display Ads

These ads are visual advertisements that appear on websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms. Typically presented in the form of banners, sidebars, or interstitials, they are designed to capture a user’s attention through compelling graphics, animations, and text. By directing users to a landing page or specific action upon clicking, display ads aim to drive conversions and customer engagement.

Video Ads

Video ads are multimedia advertisements that use moving visuals and sound to convey a message or promote a product, service, or brand. Typically displayed before, during, or after online video content, these ads are prevalent on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and streaming services. With their dynamic nature, video ads have the potential to engage viewers more effectively than static formats, telling compelling stories in a short span.

Connected TV Ads

These are video advertisements delivered through internet-enabled televisions or devices that connect to TVs, such as streaming sticks, set-top boxes, and gaming consoles. These ads are displayed within streamed content on platforms like Hulu, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV. With the rise of cord-cutting and the shift towards streaming platforms, CTV ads present an increasingly important avenue for advertisers to reach engaged audiences in their living rooms.

Audio Ads

These are advertising messages commonly found on radio stations, podcasts, and digital streaming platforms like Spotify or Pandora. Given the rise of smart speakers and the popularity of podcasting, audio ads have seen a resurgence, allowing advertisers to reach audiences during moments when visual ads might not be feasible, such as during commutes or workouts. This format offers precise targeting based on listener preferences, demographics, and listening habits, ensuring relevant content delivery.


Digital Out of Home (DOOH) Ads

These are digital versions of traditional outdoor advertising, showcased on electronic displays in public spaces. These can be seen in locations like bus stops, billboards, malls, and airports, cycling through a series of ads in high-definition formats. Unlike static billboards, DOOH ads can be updated in real-time, allowing for dynamic content changes based on factors like time of day, weather, or even current events. 

Why Invest in Programmatic Advertising

What is Programmatic Advertising?

Programmatic advertising refers to the automated process of buying and selling digital ad space using technology, rather than traditional, manual methods. At its core, it involves the use of software to purchase digital advertising, leveraging data and algorithms to make decisions about where ads will be placed, at what time, and to whom they’ll be shown, all in real-time. This system allows advertisers to target audiences more precisely and at scale. Through programmatic platforms, ads are bought across a vast network of websites and shown to specific user segments based on criteria like demographics, browsing behavior, and interests, ensuring more efficient and effective ad campaigns.

Is Programmatic Advertising Right for Your Business?

Programmatic Advertising follows a budget-centric performance approach, meaning that the outcomes you get are closely tied to your financial input. While upping your budget might yield better outcomes and higher visibility, it’s crucial to find a balance that resonates with your business goals and fiscal limits. The suitability of Programmatic Advertising for your business hinges on aligning your objectives, budget, and anticipated results.

Programmatic Advertising is Dynamic and Constantly Evolving

At Solutions Digital Consulting, we take great pride in staying ahead of industry evolutions, vigilantly tracking algorithmic changes, fresh advertising functionalities, and emerging trends. Our squad is dedicated to perpetual growth and skills enhancement, making certain that your campaigns adapt to take advantage of the newest opportunities and platform updates.

How Programmatic Advertising Generates Revenue For Your Business

Programmatic advertising boosts revenue by optimizing digital ad campaigns using specialized software and mass amounts of data. It precisely targets users based on demographics, behaviors, and interests, while a real-time bidding system ensures cost-effective placements across a variety of mediums. The method accesses numerous publishers, reaching audiences across the web. Advanced algorithms prioritize high-performing ads and retarget potential customers. Dynamic creative optimization tailors ads in real-time for relevancy. This approach’s transparency ensures a clear understanding of campaign results, facilitating ongoing improvements.

The Economic Advantage of Partnering with an Agency

Management through an agency such as Solutions Digital Consulting proves to be a cost-efficient strategy for Programmatic Advertising due to various reasons:

  • Agencies possess expertise in keyword research, ad copywriting, and bid management, which can enhance campaign efficacy and prevent expensive errors for your business.
  • Agencies leverage sophisticated tools and technologies to analyze data, monitor performance, and make informed decisions. This means that your investment is utilized effectively to yield significant outcomes.
  • Effective campaigns demand persistent oversight and fine-tuning. Agencies take charge of managing every facet of your campaigns, allowing your team to concentrate on other core tasks.
  • Agencies often have established partnerships with advertising platforms, enabling access to next level trainings, certifications, beta tests, and moreOur goal is to have the edge on our competition so we can produce the best results. 

we turned to Solutions Digital Consulting for help with increasing the company’s internet footprint. The result? Solutions Digital put us on the map quickly and at a reasonable cost. The internet business we now generate is second after our largest client.

Eric Mann

Director of Operations, Emergency Mitigation Services


Frequently Asked Questions.

Here are some common questions about Solutions Digital Consulting’s Programmatic Advertising Services.

How much do you charge for Programmatic Advertising services?

Our pricing is tailored to the unique needs and objectives of each client. Handling a sizable e-commerce entity differs greatly from managing a local small business. We offer competitive rates structured in tiers, ensuring that as you witness improved performance, you’re motivated to elevate your investment and expand your business!

What should my budget be?

Various factors influence the budget for programmatic advertising. Certain audience and medium types might have higher initial costs, affecting your starting budget. The optimal strategy is to begin with a more conservative budget, allowing us to gauge performance. As we observe enhanced ROAS outcomes, we can then progressively increase investments.

If I have previously used Programmatic Advertising ads without success, would it be worthwhile to attempt it again?

Many clients come to us with reservations about their previous encounters with Programmatic Advertising. Often, these past campaigns fell short due to poorly defined audience targeting or unsuitable medium selections. Our experts are adept at thoroughly analyzing your past strategies and identifying gaps or areas of enhancement. With our guidance and insights, we can help you re-strategize and maximize the potential of Programmatic Advertising if you choose to delve back into it.

What information of mine will you need to obtain access to?

There are many valuable pieces of information Solutions Digital will need to obtain in order to run successful Programmatic campaigns. 


  • Your business goals: Setting clear objectives for which services or products you are working to promote is important so we can cater to all the starting points to focus specifically towards those metrics.  Measuring of goals can change significantly if we are looking for e-commerce purchases, service sign-ups, or traffic to the website for brand awareness .
  • Your audience is key: Our team will thoroughly explore your target audiences to ensure the base of the campaigns is set up to successfully align with who will properly flow through the funnel from awareness to conversion.  CRM data, demographics, B2B, B2C, etc. are all necessary information to make important decisions on audience construction. 
  • Persona classification: Your audience is likely consuming data in many different ways. Utilizing persona data, we will look to determine the best places and ways to deliver your message so we can catch your potential new customers where they spend their time. Are they researching information on your service categories or have a history of interacting on certain websites?  Commonalities within your audience are a powerful way to jump directly into their preferred areas of information consumption. 
      Do I need to write/provide creative for my ads?

      Because there are so many different ad types and creatives that can be utilized in Programmatic Advertising, once we have determined the best approaches to deliver, we can then focus on the creatives.  Solutions Digital Consulting has the capability to generate all styles of creatives from Native, Display, Videography, etc. but working with existing client assets can help lower additional costs vs. generating new.  Our goal is having the best message possible for the delivery mediums and we will consult you with clear options available. 

      How should we determine where to launch our programmatic investment?

      Solutions Digital tailors programmatic strategies to your business objectives, ensuring we target the right audiences through the most effective mediums. While we have established methodologies, our approach varies significantly between B2B and B2C clients, reflecting their unique needs and characteristics.

      How long until my ad campaign receives traffic after launch?

      Once the campaign setup is complete, it will be subjected to an in-depth review, usually taking less than an hour. After passing this review, the campaign will go live, channeling focused traffic to your site. We’ll consistently monitor its efficacy to ensure it meets your goals and produces the anticipated outcomes.

      How do we know that our programmatic ads are working?

      Programmatic advertising necessitates tracking various signals. As we move through the stages of the funnel, strategies, metrics, and performance indicators will differ. Furthermore, programmatic can bolster other advertising forms, from SEO to Google Ads, by engaging potential customers at multiple touchpoints, guiding them from awareness to conversion.

      Talk to a Programmatic Advertising Professional

      Our team is ready to assist you in developing a Programmatic Advertising plan that helps grow your business. Learn more about how we can partner with you.